[Amps] recent exchanges on the network and for the attention of the owner

CLIVE COLLINS dartaviation at btopenworld.com
Tue Apr 12 15:45:39 EDT 2005

Good evening Sir,
I am sure that by now you will have received my mailing with regard to the rather hasty and foolish mailing I made with regard to Marc Willaert Esq.
The traffic was indefensible and as I have indicated in my previous mail to you, I offer my apolgies unreservedly and at your discretion, my resignation from the Amps network.
I would be obliged if you would consider my resignation from subscribing to the network on a sending of mails basis to possibly at your discretion again, maintain my subscription on a receive only basis if this is possible until such time (or at all) that you consider that I might rejoin the network fully.
Naturally I appreciate that your decision is final and not open to any form of appeal.
I have found great comradeship among the subscribing members of the network and I would welcome the opportunity to continue to read the traffic as I have learnt so much technically from the threads and exchanges.
I am at your disposal Sir.
All good wishes,
Clive Collins GW3WEQ

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