[Amps] plate choke

Harold B. Mandel ka1xo at juno.com
Wed Apr 13 18:08:08 EDT 2005

Dear Francis,

Here are some basic choices for coils.
The highlighted 24AWG coil on a 1.25" form seems
the most exciting choice. However, the 28AWG
will carry 640 mils, possibly, but I like to give it
plenty o'spare change.

I've been winding chokes on 1" and 1.25" Teflon forms
in my machine shop for some commercial customers 
for a while, now. The most orders I receive are for
devices on 1.25" forms, even though the Teflon is much
more expensive. Increasing the diameter does wonders to cut the
length of stock needed for a particular inductance, but
going from 1.25 to 1.5 inch Teflon stock is as much
of a wallet-nightmare as going from half-inch to two-inch
solid brass rod! 1.25 is then the most economical.

Another option is the Ohmite L250J100 ceramic body
wirewound resistor. Those babies are wound with 26AWG
on a 3" ID ceramic core and have about 4.75" of windings.

28AWG, 0.64Amp, (.75" form), 326Turns, 8.25" Long
                                (1.25"form), 133Turns, 3.35" Long

26AWG, 1.02.Amp, (.75" form), 402Turns, 12.81" Long
                                (1.25" form), 160 Turns, 5.8" Long

24AWG, 1.62Amp, (.75" form), 496 Turns, 19.96" Long
                               (1.25" form), 193 Turns, 8" Long

20AWG, 4.09Amp, (.75" form), 758 Turns, 48.5" Long
                                (1.25" form), 289 Turns, 18.5" Long

16AWG, 10.33 Amp, (.75" form), 1145 Turns, 116.4" Long
                                (1.25" form), 438 Turns, 44.5" Long


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