[Amps] EIA Adapter Needed

Bob Maser bmaser at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Apr 14 18:06:52 EDT 2005

I am in need of an adapter to go from EIA 3-1/8 to N or HN.  I would be 
interested in buying it outright or trading for it.  For example, I have 
about 8 male N connectors for LMR900, part number is EZ-900NMC-2.  These 
beauties go on soooo easy.  Also have about 200 feet of new, direct buryable 
LMR900 and about 600 feet of LMR600.  Half of it is DB, the other half is 
not.  I couldn't see any difference in them.  It is all brand spankin' new. 
Shipping might be a bit much.

Bob  W6TR 

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