[Amps] article in Nature, modified Aurora via HF tspa

David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Fri Apr 15 21:19:55 EDT 2005

John T. M. Lyles wrote:
> There is an Interesting paper in Nature (#433, 
> page 498-500, 3 Feb, 2005) in which high power HF 
> radio transmissions from HAARP were used to cause 
> visible changes in the aurora, where speckles 
> appeared. They were using the full 960 kW beam, 
> from 4 -6  MHz, with 7.5 seconds on and then 7.5 
> second off time. Operating QRO. Look it up, its 
> pretty neat. I have a text version I can forward 
> upon request.
> 73
> John

An intereting paper. I downloaded the PDF from the Nature site, where of 
course you can see the graphs and pictures.

It does give some credability to the people like Rich who has said he 
has observed non-linear change in received signal as the transmitter 
power is adjusted. I'm still highly suspicous of Rich's claims, but are 
a little less inclined to totally dismiss them now.

Clearly if the  could visually affect the aurora, it is possible it 
would have had some change on its radio properties.

Dr. David Kirkby,

Please check out http://www.g8wrb.org/
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