[Amps] article in Nature, modified Aurora via HF tspa

R.Measures r at somis.org
Sat Apr 16 18:09:53 EDT 2005

Which is why accurate readings are done with a calibrated step 
attenuator - using the S-meter only as a relative indicator.

The most accurate S-meter that I ever encountered was on a TS-820S.

On Apr 16, 2005, at 7:16 AM, David Kirkby wrote:

> Joe Isabella wrote:
>> While I have yet to measure it with an accurate tool, I have yet to 
>> see a 10dB increase in power give only a 10dB increase at the 
>> receiver.  It seems that whatever the increase is, the received 
>> signal level is always hotter.  I've always dismissed it for crappy 
>> S-meter linearity, but who knows...
>> Joe, N3JI
> But if you rely on S-meter calibration, you can't draw any valid
> conclusions. PERIOD.
> Rich has given a more detailed analysis, based on the use of calibrated
> attenuators. I still feel he is wrong, and doubt that amateur rigs are
> causing non-linear changes in path loss, but that paper does give 
> *some*
> weight to his arguments, and means I will not dismiss them quite as
> easily as I have done in the past.
> Note they were using 960kW, and an ERP of 95MW, but were causing 
> changes
> in the Aurora that could be seen with the Naked eye.
> Unlike some, if I'm wrong I will admit it. In this case I am not
> admitting I am wrong, but just that there is now the smallest of doubts
> in my mind, whereas previously I have dismissed his comments as 
> rubbish.
> -- 
> Dr. David Kirkby,
> Please check out http://www.g8wrb.org/
> of if you live in Essex http://www.southminster-branch-line.org.uk/
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Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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