[Amps] article in Nature, modified Aurora via HF tspa

G3rzp@aol.com G3rzp at aol.com
Sun Apr 17 05:29:49 EDT 2005

In a message dated 16/04/2005 21:18:09 GMT Standard Time,  
garyschafer at comcast.net writes:

But you  must be able to disable the agc or it won't work.

You must also make sure that the receiver audio dynamic range is  sufficient. 
F'r instance, if the the AF output is set to 50mW without the amp,  it must 
do at elast 500mW without gain compression when the amp is on - if the  amp 
gives 10dB of gain. If it gives 20dB, then you need an uncompressed AF  output 
capability of 5 watts.
Once had to deal with an applications complaint from a professional (?) lab  
where they made that mistake when trying to measure sensitivity.
Peter G3RZP

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