[Amps] article in Nature, modified Aurora via HF tspa

G3rzp@aol.com G3rzp at aol.com
Sun Apr 17 05:38:22 EDT 2005

In a message dated 16/04/2005 23:11:05 GMT Standard Time, r at somis.org  writes:

Which is  why accurate readings are done with a calibrated step 
attenuator - using  the S-meter only as a relative indicator.

But what is the resolution of the S meter? Most S meters have S9 at half  
scale. At the nominal 6 dB/S point, that's a 54 dB range, or to read any  
difference to 1dB requires reading the meter to better than 1%. Note this  nothing to 
do with accuracy - merely resolution. On a big 6 inch scale meter,  maybe - 
and that's always assuming that there's no hysteris.
However, it's well known that the ionosphere can be non linear. The  
'Luxembourg Effect'.
Peter G3RZP

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