[Amps] grid dip meters

Harry hgk at centurytel.net
Sun Apr 17 22:17:18 EDT 2005

Blake M. wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Harry" <hgk at centurytel.net>
>>MFJ-259, that has add on coils and can be used as
>>a grid dip meter also. It's on sale for less then $200 US most of the
>>time at Gigaparts. I've never used one as a grid dip meter. so I can't
>>really vouch for how well it works?
> The coils do absolutely nothing.  Holding the coil up to your forehead and 
> guessing the coil frequency is more accurate.
> 73,
> Blake N4GI 

Well thank you so much for your input Blake, as I said I've never used 
one and I can't vouch for it. The point of them not working has been 
pointed out a few time already! I'm glad to know that holding a coil to 
my forehead will work and I'll remember that if the need arises. :)

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