[Amps] Bleeder Resistor Inquiry

aborg a_borg at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 24 09:44:17 EDT 2005

I am currenty building a HV Power Supply using a
4800vac pole pig, 40uF 5kv oil filled cap , 10kv PIV
rectifier board, 20 amp variac and a 100k 225watt

The initial power up started well without the bleeder
connected to the circuit after 30 min burn-in no
problems. Discharged the circuit and added the 100k
bleeder and 5 mins the bleeder starts to smell and the
exterior paint starts to bubble. Shut it down and
examined the circuit, all seem accurate. 

Question : Is my bleeder to small ?

P.S. : The variac was set at 4KV at all times.

a_borg at yahoo.com

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