[Amps] U.S. Military chooses Harris

Joe Isabella n3ji at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 28 17:38:38 EDT 2005

The equipment itself isn't classified, but it is handled differently than a plain old piece of gear.  The stuff that goes in and through it is certainly classified, though.  But either way, I'm done with this one...  :-)

G3rzp at aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 28/04/2005 15:54:12 GMT Standard Time, chris at yipyap.com 

>While I may be a bit paranoid, lets please cease the "classified" talk 
>on an international service. 

I haven't seen anything here about encryption that I haven't read quite some 
time ago in the magazines. About 25 years ago, when I was involved with 
SINGCARS, I was somewhat surprised to find that I knew more about the system from 
what had been published than many of the guys developing units for it. They 
just had a unit spec. Same applied to quite a few other programmes.


Peter G3RZP
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