[Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 31, Issue 60

Bill Fuqua wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Mon Aug 1 11:25:49 EDT 2005

   OK, I have got to reply.

     Most of the hams that build amplifiers for 11 meter operators and 
those that know little about RF are illegal CBers that have taken the 
relative easy exams and gotten ham tickets and are operating their ham rigs 
on CB and Ham bands. Hams that make amplifiers for illegal CB use and those 
that use their ham gear out of band  are the most despicable in my mind.  A 
license is an an agreement with the Government and Society that you will 
abide the law and these activities violate those laws.  If you do so, 
giving up your license is the right thing to do.
     I can only hope that most that enter ham radio from the illegal CB 
ranks will reform and abide by the law. Ham radio offers them so much more 
and it is legal. Hams also provide education for those that really want to 
     You may have noticed that I used the term  "illegal CB operators", 
this  is because there may be a few that do operate legally by using proper 
CB equipment, using proper operating procedures (courtesy) ,  and  using 
profanity.  If you just listen to the frequencies just below 10 meters  you 
will see what I mean.
     Even worse are those that encourage young people to participate in 
such practices. I certainly would not give a young person a CB radio after 
listening to the "CB community".  It is no place for minors just as some TV 
programs, channels  or internet web sites and chat rooms. Unfortunately, 
there is no V chip for CB radios.

Bill wa4lav

At 09:44 PM 7/31/2005 -0400, Will Matney wrote:
>Amen! It seems some get uptight about the mere mention of using anything 
>concerning 11 meters when the equipment is made the same as amateur 
>equipment and/or can be readily adapted to it.  I think some who hold that 
>paper ticket thinks using something like this is beneath them, or that 
>paper ticket might make them better than some without it. That is the very 
>reason, I proudly dropped my piece of paper back in the 80's. That piece 
>of paper don't make one an amateur radio operator, ones knowledge does. 
>Matter of fact, I know some 11 meter folks with more knowledge than a 
>bunch of licensed amateur folks. Also, some of the very amateurs who hold 
>that piece of paper were the very people who designed and built a huge 
>amount of those 11 meter amps! So to say that the information here is not 
>useful to any amateur in that he may consider using these 11 meter amps as 
>amateur amps is as Senator Byrd once said to a reporter about his 
>question, it's twaddle.
>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>On 7/31/05 at 8:39 PM Tony King - W4ZT wrote:
> >Seems that Will brought the subject up because there are a lot of CB
> >amps that are candidates for conversion to amateur service... not the
> >other way around. Seems like a good way to put get into a moderate power
> >PA or IPA for low dollars and a little technical expertise. As such,
> >doesn't need to be type accepted any more than a home brew amp.
> >
> >73, Tony W4ZT
> >
> >w5grg wrote:
> >> How come people are discussing CB amps on this reflector? Is this thing
> >> FCC type accepted? I guess this list is one where it is ok to post ebay
> >> info.
> >> Thanks 73's George W5GRG
> >
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