[Amps] Metric system

Dan K9ZF n9rla at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 17:10:25 EDT 2005

Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

>I can't see why people (especially hams, most of whome have an IQ > 80) have difficulty with the 
>metric system.
Most people get discouraged, and confused,  because they keep trying to 
convert back and forth between metric and "standard" measures.  But if 
you get used to working in meters, liters, and degrees Celsius it's 
really easy.

I was required to convert to the metric system about 5 years ago when I 
went to work for a Japanese company [Plastics, Injection Molding]..  It 
was a little awkward at first until I got used to the new units of 
measure.  Now I never give it a second thought.


K9ZF /R no budget Rover ***QRP-l #1269
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