[Amps] Metric system

David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Fri Aug 5 02:17:04 EDT 2005

Jerry Muller wrote:
> Speaking of professors, my Thermodynamics professor (grad school) worked 
> exclusively in fps units (PSI, BTU/hr, Degrees Rankin). I thought this was 
> bogus so I turned in all my work in the metric system until I finally 
> decided to give him a required pressure in dynes/acre on one of the exams.

Once I worked somewhere where I was asked to compute the heat dissipated 
by some computers. I gave an answer is Watts, but was told by my boss he 
  did not want it in Watts. He never stated what units he wanted it in 
(although I might have guessed BTU, since it was for air conditioning 
purposes), so I recalculated it in kilo Joules/fortnight. He then 
replied "Watts were OK".

David Kirkby,

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