[Amps] RE : audio black magic TSPA

hermans on4kj at skynet.be
Sat Aug 6 16:12:47 EDT 2005

Do you remember the MC14500B CMOS one-bit processor Dave... ( 1977 )

-----Message d'origine-----
De : amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] De
la part de David Kirkby
Envoyé : vendredi 5 août 2005 20:21
À : John T. M. Lyles
Cc : amps at contesting.com
Objet : Re: [Amps] audio black magic TSPA

John T. M.>> http://www.g8wrb.org/useful-stuff/audiophools.pdf
  Lyles wrote:

> Following is an excerpt from a 1998 Stereophile 
> magazine review of a particular Kinergetics power 
> amplifier, to explain what I am talking about:
But that is most unlikely to happen again.

The very valid point made by the author of


is that the publishers of audiophool magazines have a conflict of 
interest. It is not in their interest to tell you what a waste of money 
the speaker cables are when the companies selling to the audiophool 
market provide the publishers advertising revenue.

It's like all the computer magazines tell you how you need 64-bit 
computers. None seem to point out that for 99.9% of uses, a 64-bit 
computer is a complete and utter waste of time. There was a 5 or so page

article in Personal Computer World about a year ago, telling us that 
64-bit computers do floating point calculations needed in games faster 
and more accurate than 32-bit computers. Funny enough, when I wrote and 
said that all Intel CPUs that have floating point support in hardware 
(i.e. 8087, 80287, 80387, 486, Pentiums) all use 80-bits internally, and

64 bits to store the number in memory, that letter was never published.

It is clearly in the interest of computer magazines to push 64-bit 
computers, so their advertisers will place adds in magazines telling you

how good they are. No computer company is going to place adds in 
magazines that are telling you that buying a 64-bit machine is a waste 
of time for the vast majority of people.

I am using a 64-bit computer, that's around 7 years old.

David Kirkby,


Please check out http://www.g8wrb.org/
of if you live in Essex http://www.southminster-branch-line.org.uk/

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