[Amps] 2 X 3-500Z's and Plate Voltage Choice

sccook1@cox.net sccook1 at cox.net
Mon Aug 8 13:39:26 EDT 2005

Morning all,

Was thinking about upgrading my Henry 2K-4 to a 4A configuration with the CW/SSB switch.  Was also thinking about puting in a transformer with two secondary voltages.  I have seen amps running a pair of 3-500Zs with all kind of plate voltage schemes -- some running CW plate voltage as low as 2100 V no-load and as high as 4KV for SSB no-load.

What would be a suitable voltage to shoot for for CW and SSB?  3000/4000?  Less / More?

Your thoughts?

Steve (WG7K)

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