[Amps] Testing filament xfmr

David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Wed Aug 10 18:17:58 EDT 2005

Peter Chadwick wrote:
> Simpler is to connect an ammeter  across the secondary, feed the 
> primary from a Variac and wind up the Variac until trhe desired filament 
> current flows. then leave it for a time and see how hot it gets. 

The classic short circuit test.

> The 
> probability is that most of the losses will be copper losses: 


> leave it 
> on full primary with open circuit secondary to get an idea of how much 
> iron loss there is by the temp rise.

It's a long time since I did this, but the short and open circuit tests 
give you copper and iron losses respectively. I think you can show that 
theoretically copper_loss == iron_loss for maximum efficiency, but the 
transformer would no doubt have been wound on a suitable former, rather 
than one that is theoretically optimal.

I can't really see how you could determine the temperature rise too 
easily by this.

It's not my area of expertise, but I would have thought a load resistor 
a safer bet.

David Kirkby,

Please check out http://www.g8wrb.org/
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