[Amps] Metric Conversion
Will Matney
craxd1 at verizon.net
Thu Aug 11 07:40:55 EDT 2005
What their excuse was, was that they wanted to make sure there were no backdoors, etc. in the software before they would use it. I also found out that is a common thing in different countries including the US. However, doing that for China is a horse of a different color. Since that happened, there was two leaks I read about. However the code was for some older version and was not supposed to have been the full source code. There was a big deal about it on the net at one time as a few hacker groups claimed to have gotten their hands on the full source code. M$ rebutted that saying they had downloaded what the hackers had and it wasn't the full thing. However, M$ could have been lying through their teeth too! Even if they did have it, the only way it would be useful would be that they could ad backdoors to the code, compile it, and offer it for download as a full illegal copy of windows. That's something I would never do. I do have a hot copy of Win 98 SE, but a friend of mine burnt that from an original M$ CD, and was not off the net. I remember when XP came out, their was hot copies all over the net. It's a wonder what all was in them, maybe spyware, etc, I'm not sure. One reason I wont upgrade is that M$ and Intel was going to get in together so that your new OS would send private info back to M$ supposedly for marketing. Their was so much of a negative public outcry, they supposed to have stopped it. However, who knows? The idea of M$ knowing where your at on the net all the time and or maybe being able to see what's on your computer is something I sure dont want. I often wonder if the government wasn't involved in this as a big brother thing.
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On 8/11/05 at 4:20 AM N7HIY wrote:
>so all Windoze users are now relying upon the good will of the Communist
>Chinese government not to leak Billy Bob's source code, hackers world
>perfect storm. most of the network/system penetrations and worst
>viruses/worms are coming out of se asia.
>William may as well have given them your bank account, credit card and
>social security numbers from his scans of your computers on upgrades.
>the Commies could not even keep our satellite launch targeting technology
>safe, Motorola-Loral sat phone launches.
>Cliff N7HIY
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Will Matney" <craxd1 at verizon.net>
>To: <amps at contesting.com>
>Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:40 AM
>Subject: Re: [Amps] Metric Conversion
>> See below;
>> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
>> On 8/11/05 at 2:41 AM R.Measures wrote:
>>>On Aug 10, 2005, at 9:23 PM, David Kirkby wrote:
>>>> Mike wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Mark for the heads-up on the converter. Unfortunately, it only
>>>>> works on XP or later OS.
>>>> A standard microsoft trick, to get you to upgrade the OS.
>>>Indeed. Dollar Bill's pursuit of mammon is so relentless that he won't
>>>even spend the bucks for a decent haircut.
>> I'll about give 20:1 odds he cuts it himself or gets one of his house
>> keepers to do it free.
>> If it wasn't for some of the lawsuits, he would be getting by with a lot
>> more than he does. I also heard about him letting the Chinese government
>> have the source code to Windows so they would buy it. What gets me is
>> a bunch of the illegal software sites there are on government servers.
>> Plus the government has been guilty of using the cracked software for
>> years. He'd sh*t if a competitive version of Windows came out of China!
>> for one would get a big kick out of it.
>>>> For some applications, such as drivers for hardware, firewalls, network
>>>> monitoring software etc, it would be more work to write the program to
>>>> work on multiple versions of Windows.
>>>> For a metric converter, that is very different. There is no reason on
>>>> earth why it could not be made to work on any version of Windoze.
>>>> Of course, just because it says XP only, does not necessarily mean it
>>>> will not work on an older version, although the installer might refuse
>>>> to install it.
>>>>> At 18:57 8/10/05, AA6DX - Mark wrote:
>>>>>> I recently found/installed the new Microsoft converter/calculator,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> really think it's just swell ... you can get it from them, or .. to
>>>>>> make it
>>>>>> easy .. from one of my websites, here ..
>>>>>> http://members.cox.net/kenwood/
>>>>>> 73 .. Mark AA6DX
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: <amps-request at contesting.com>
>>>>>> To: <amps at contesting.com>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:49 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Amps Digest, Vol 32, Issue 19
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>> 73,
>>>>> Mike, K4GMH
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>>>> --
>>>> David Kirkby,
>>>> G8WRB
>>>> Please check out http://www.g8wrb.org/
>>>> of if you live in Essex http://www.southminster-branch-line.org.uk/
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>>>Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734. www.somis.org
>> Best,
>> Will
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