[Amps] set up for the big maul

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Sun Aug 14 16:17:17 EDT 2005


Actually, a motor maul is just a big series pass regulator with a battery switching arrangement. What they do is series-paralell a bunch of 12 volt batteries and regulate the output. While the amp is idle, the alternator charges the 10 batteries as the two sets (in this one two sets of five) are paralelled. On transmit, the alternator is disconnected, and the two sets of batteries are put in series for 24 Vdc, then connected through a series pass regulator where they can get from 12 to say 20 Vdc. They've been running those 2SC2879's at 18 Vdc instead of 13.8 and I guess they work just fine. The spec sheet on them actually gives 18 Vdc as the max collector voltage. By using the mauls, they dont have to run a bunch of alternators under the hood. However, it takes a heavy one to charge 10 batteries but nothing like running an amp.



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On 8/14/05 at 2:24 PM kenw2dtc wrote:

>I tried to find additional information on that ebay TRUCKER amp that Will
>mentioned but had no luck.  I did find an interesting set of videos for CB
>amps.  It appears to me that this rig has 10 batteries and an alternator
>field adjustment unit called a MOTORMAUL.  I found the last video real
>interesting for a mobile rig.
>Ken W2DTC
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com

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