[Amps] RE : Square plate choke ?

hermans on4kj at skynet.be
Mon Aug 15 08:26:12 EDT 2005

Hello Nik,

A question that hadn't be posed that often I suppose, to me a good
question anyway. Our math. gurus probably will tell us how and why. My
own guess, there wont be that much difference, but that’s just my
feeling, and that might be wrong.....
Just one practical example I recall, years ago I have seen some where a
description of how to calculate inductors to be printed on PCB. In
general its square or rectangular....
What say ?

Jos on4kj    

-----Message d'origine-----
De : amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] De
la part de kenw2dtc
Envoyé : lundi 15 août 2005 11:00
À : amps at contesting.com
Objet : [Amps] Square plate choke ?

I have some square teflon stock.  How would a plate choke wound on
square stock compare with one on round stock?  Would square stock be a
bad thing?

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