[Amps] caps SB200

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Sat Aug 20 12:13:20 EDT 2005


Is the new caps in the 220 the correct size? The caps helps with regulation and if too small in value might possibly cause this. Seems to me like the regulation on a 220 was about 15% if I remember. 2500 / 1.15 = 2173 Vdc. At 2100 it would be 2100 / 1.15 = 1826 Vdc. However that's a shade too low. The transformer can only step up what comes into the primary. For 2500 Vdc, you'd need 1768 Vac. That's a 8.04:1 ratio at 220 Vac. If it's the original transformer making only 2100 Vdc, that would be 1485 Vac / 8.04 = 184 Vac from the mains. That's not good at all and is a difference of 1.2 or 20% drop. The power should change no more than about +/- 10% at the most.

If it's the line voltage sagging, you need to answer the following;

What size of wire do you have run from the breaker box to the amp? If this is too small, there's a possible fire hazard if the wire got hot enough to burn. I would want to see at least 12 ga. from the breaker back to the amp with only the amp on the circuit.

Is anything else running at the same time like central air, etc., and maybe on the same circuit?

How big is the transformer on the pole compared to what you use in the home? Even though they say they're a 200 amp transformer, they're really under that.

How many other homes are using the same transformer? I found that here and made them resize ours. We had 3 homes on one 200 amp transformer!



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On 8/20/05 at 12:06 AM Neal Sacon wrote:

>While we're on the subject, sort of ... 
>I've got a PV at idle of about 2100 and it drops to 1600 or 1700 under
>I understand it s/b abt 2500. It's the original xformer, but the caps were
>replaced by a prior owner with I'm not sure what, and if the xformer is ok
>(why wouldn't it be?) then is it possible that the exisiting caps are a bad
>replacement and a better replacement would get PV to where it should be ?
>What else could be sucking PV down?
>Note also that I don't think it's the metering resistors - output
>well on an outboard wattmeter. 
>73 Neal N7RX
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