[Amps] Tokyo Hi-Power HL-2.5Kfx

JE1CKA Tack Kumagai je1cka at chofu.jaxa.jp
Sun Aug 21 07:17:38 EDT 2005

Got several questions;
*QSK capability: No QSK feature was introduced. Not sure
*Price: The production line has not set yet and the price was 
 not determined. $5K might be good point
*Power Supply: AC PS is contained in the same housing with RF.

JE1CKA Tack Kumagai wrote:
> In the HamFair, Tokyo Hi-Power announced new solid state amps.
> One is HL-1kfx and one another is HL-2.5Kfx.
> HL-2.5Kfx uses 2 APT MOS-FET: THP-1500 MPs. which uses BeO for 
> conduction cooling. The rough spec is as follows;
> Output:1.5KW (2KW max on SSB)
> Bands: 1.8-28MHz all amateur bands
> Weight: 22kg
> Size: 272W x 142H x 363D mm
> see the following Blog(but japanese) for the photos
> http://wind.ap.teacup.com/je1cka/792.html
       Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM 

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