[Amps] Plate Choke

Thu Aug 25 02:29:57 EDT 2005

Progress on testing the choke:

2 series resonance dips in the 30MHz spectrum.  1st dip at 7.1MHz and 
second at 14.3MHz, clean above and below.  Tested on grounded Al plate 
with coils normal (vertical) to the plate.  Removed Form 2 Coil 1.  
Reduced L to 274uH and moved resonances up 1+ MHz.  Success!

Reactance at 1.8MHz = 3099 Ohms

Tomm, KD7QAE

KD7QAE wrote:

>I just finished sacrificing 12" of Teflon bar stock to the 2xGS35b 
>project this evening.  The result is a 320uH inductor in 2 sections.  I 
>will sweep the unit tomorrow at work and report back with the resonance 
>story.  The basics are as follows:
>Wire:  24AWG
>OD of coils: approx. 39mm
>Form 1: Coil 1: 25mm
>Form 1: Coil 2: 27mm
>Form 1: Coil 3: 49mm
>Form 2: Coil 1: 26.5mm
>Form 2: Coil 2: 24mm
>Form 2: Coil 3: 18mm
>Form 2: Coil 4: 27mm
>The coils are parallel (against conventional wisdom) Center to Center 
>separation: 85mm.  It certainly looks cool.  I plan on adding a HV 
>capacitor and relay at the connection point if necessary to switch out 
>~1/2 of the inductance if necessary.
>Tomm, KD7QAE
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com

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