[Amps] L-4B Power Switch

Gary Smith wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 28 20:14:48 EDT 2005

Go to the drake archive and website.  Noodle around it and put out your 
plea. There is a ham who used to work for drake that was lucky enough to 
save(?)a lot of the Drake Co. radio and amp parts for the distant 
future. He might have one, want to recall he only has an email address. 
  As far as I know and have been told, there is no direct replacement, 
that switch was a "in House" manufactured item.

Gary... wa6fgi

Marv Gonsior wrote:
> Hello All,
> Can anyone direct me to a direct replacement for the AC power switch for 
> the Drake L-4B?  Please reply direct.  Thanks.
> 73,
> Marv, W6FR
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