[Amps] B and W FC15 filament choke

mike kendall ke6cvh at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 30 10:02:28 EDT 2005


  I am well into building a 160-10mtr linear.  I have a Barker and Williamson FC-15 filament choke.  I'm guessing it is rated at 15 amps from the part number and actually only need 3 amps.

  Question:  Does anyone know more about the B&W FC-15?  I need to know if it was designed for 10-80 as I'm guessing or if it is good down to 160mtrs.  I'm thinking to use it along with another "homebrew" fillament choke I have that I think is also a 10-80 meter unit and putting them both in series.




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