[Amps] small air variables

Roy Koeppe royanjoy at ncn.net
Fri Dec 9 21:24:38 EST 2005

" ... for a 200 watt FET amp. autotuning experiment.

Anybody have or know where to come by a couple small air variables?

  Say 500-1000pF max. with a 20 thousandth's air gap

  and 1000-1500pF max. with a 10 thousandth's air gap  -- This might
possibly be a multi-section receiving type.

The overall "height" including open plates & frame must be less than
2.5" to fit the available space. -- The other dimensions are not

  Where is the Radio Condenser Corp. when we need them?  (rhetorical)

73 & Good afternoon,
   Marv WC6W"


I have like new, 3-gang, 365 per section variables which I bought new.
'Receiving spacing'. Less than 2.5" when open. Let me know if you don't
do better. Think I have two. One unused and one lived thru an

73,   Roy    K6XK    Iowa

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