[Amps] Emailing: hf_millinium

jsb@digistar.com jsb at digistar.com
Mon Dec 12 15:46:09 EST 2005

On Mon, 12 Dec 2005, Vic K2VCO wrote:

> > Shortcut to: http://www.danamps.com/hf_millinium.htm
> It's very attractive.  But it's a manually tuned and bandswitched
> amplifier for about $4K.  Why do we need another one?
> I would like to see a completely automatic unit for no more than $3K.
> This almost certainly means that it would have to be solid state.
> Apparently it's challenging to produce a 1.5KW solid state amplifier for
> the amateur market which is reliable and clean, but this is the
> direction in which we need to be looking.

Not sure why it should cost $4,000 for a box of parts made out of metal,
etc.  Oh, Heathkit, where art thou, for a 1500W amp for $1000?

73 Jason N1SU

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