[BULK] - Re: [Amps] Why price difference/30S1
Gary Smith
wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 3 18:08:35 EST 2005
Hope that will enjoy the following (really) off topic response.
My goat (nightwatch blue, two door hardtop) was special ordered for me from the local dealer in early `65 with three two's and 3.23 "Kansas" gearing and one of the first am/fm car radios anybody had ever seen.
An even hundred mph in fourth when traveling form California to Utah through Nevada was for a nice and steady 4,000 rpm.
Made it from my home near Sacto CA to Ogden UT many times in 8 hrs 30 mins or so. 690 miles was the trip, I want to recall.
Ahh, the good old days(?)
The kid down the street whose father owned a junk yard, he brought home a two 409's for the kid. One had been rolled, the other stolen and stripped of engine and trans. Well, one was made out of the two, I was the # 1 wrench twirler in the neighborhood. To make a long story short, I could spend the rest of my life telling the sad tales of the how the 409 block (ex 348 or "W" block) was not strong enough to withstand the rigors of both racing and daily driving. Papa bought so many 409 blocks for that kid's car (each one supposedly stronger than the last one that lost its main bearing webbings straight down and out of the crankcase) the parts guy at the Chevy dealer was able to recognize my voice right off from the git go even at a whisper.
Pontiac's 389-400- 28 cu in engines (remember the phrase Tin Indian?) had a sorry-assed oiling system, but it could be made to work. But GM's 409 block? ARRRRGH!!!
No, I do not wish for the good old days. (Well, I do but not all of `em.) And then smog controls came along and ruined all of our fun. At least in California.
----- Original Message -----
From: K7RDX
To: Gary Smith ; Steve Katz ; 'bob finger' ; amps at contesting.com
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [BULK] - Re: [Amps] Why price difference/30S1
Hey Gary do you remember the " Dual carb,four speed, hot rod 409? Kinda like
our taste in amps....Some of us could never be happy without building our
own hotrod...Jim K7RDX..
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary Smith" <wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net>
To: "Steve Katz" <stevek at jmr.com>; "'bob finger'" <finger at goeaston.net>;
<amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [BULK] - Re: [Amps] Why price difference/30S1
I had one, gave it back to its owner with no regrets. Have talked with
those who restore the Collins war horses such as these, was told the first
thing that is done in the interest of saving someone form pulling out ALL of
their hair is to remove and completely update the relay deck.
To whit: open frame relays manufactured to (Art?) Collins spec by Elgin
watch company? NLA to say the least a long time ago. Start-step current
inrush control relay in a vacuum tube (a good idea long long ago,)
manufactured by Edison electric (this is not a joke) it too NLA.
Keep in mind this is a really good 10db amp that was designed probably in
the late 50's for the military but due to the fact that Art was a ham he
also sold them to those who could afford them.
Fwiw, I have an Ameritron AL800H that will run circles around that 30s-one,
Collins inc. rated it for 600 watt out all day long, (I read this in the
Collins manual that accompanied the amp) while the 800 H, I tune it at an
easy 750 watts on rtty and then go to voice. It isn't even breaking a sweat
at "legal." And yes, I have seen a lot more on a dummy load. But the smell
of hot xmfr oil upsets my cats.
Did have a fine Al-80b, the 800 H is the additional three db beyond that
which I wanted. Imho, watts is like the horsepower I had in my `65 GTO: its
there if you want it, but you don't need it all of the time.
Enough from me. (Actually way too much.)
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Katz
To: 'bob finger' ; amps at contesting.com
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 9:47 AM
Subject: RE: [BULK] - Re: [Amps] Why price difference/30S1
30S1 = "collector's" amp, actual value is based on collectability, kind of
like an old MG.
NTITAI, I should have kept my 1967 Austin-Healy 3000 Mk III. It never ran
worth a crap, but I see ones today in lesser condition than mine was
(purchased used but mint cdx in '69 for $2500) selling at auction for over
$70,000. Darn!
-----Original Message-----
From: bob finger [mailto:finger at goeaston.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 9:45 AM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [BULK] - Re: [Amps] Why price difference/30S1
And does not include 160, nor does it have fast t/r switching desireable
today. Pretty amp tho. 73 bob de w9ge
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