[Amps] Quick 220 outlet?

Harold B. Mandel ka1xo at juno.com
Tue Feb 8 17:51:24 EST 2005


        So many recent comments about testing voltage with fingers and 
other body parts on this reflector scares the bejesus outa me.

        Despite whatever stories anyone has ever heard about anyone
else successfully detecting any voltage potential with their body, the
fact remains that it is a dangerous and possibly lethal practice.

        A telephone central office in NYC suffered a major fire
when the -48 volt bussbar was cut loose during renovations,
from its support and when it swung away the part that ran 
from the cable penetration into the AT+T switch knocked
against a grounded steel I-beam and the resulting explosion 
caught the wood floor on fire and the door was locked, of course.

        Any one of us who has worked with electricity for any length
of time has come to respect safety. 

        Don't be foolish and think you can try detecting 120 or 240
with your fingers. You may end up dead.


Hal Mandel

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 14:27:49 -0800 "Gary Smith" <wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net>
> Maybe it was sop the Army, but not in the Air Force rtty repair 
> school. We used a vom that looked like it could withstand a nuclear 
> blast at ground zero and still be functional.  Anything above 1.5v 
> dc was checked with a vom. Seen a guy get a most royal a**chewing 
> for testing a 9v battery with his tongue.
>  73,
> Gary 
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Gary Schafer 
>   To: Japerlick at aol.com 
>   Cc: amps at contesting.com 
>   Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 4:34 PM
>   Subject: Re: [Amps] Quick 220 outlet?
>   Japerlick at aol.com wrote:
>   > Testing 110/220 with your fingers was standard practice for 
> electrician 
>   > school in the Army in the 1960's.  My brother had to learn it 
> while in the Army's 
>   > TTY school.  They probably don't do it anymore but remember, 
> those were the 
>   > days when most voltmeters were still VTVM's.  Maybe they figured 
> that, if you can 
>   > survive electrican school, you can survive Viet Nam?  He did 
> both, 
>   > fortunately!
>   > _______________________________________________
>   No it was not standard practice. You were taught to keep your 
> fingers 
>   out of it.
>   73
>   Gary  K4FMX
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