[Amps] Quick 220 outlet?

Phil Clements philk5pc at tyler.net
Tue Feb 8 18:53:52 EST 2005

>        Despite whatever stories anyone has ever heard about anyone
> else successfully detecting any voltage potential with their body, the
> fact remains that it is a dangerous and possibly lethal practice.
There is a much more sensitive appendage on the male body that comes to mind 
that could be useful in detecting the presence and value of lower voltages. 
Equally as insane as using the fingers, BTW.

Being an old Firefighter, when the Nomex hoods came out in the '70's to be worn 
under the helmet to protect head, neck, and ears, some of the macho guys thought 
they were for "sissies," and the curling of their ears in a hot fire could no 
longer warn them that their bunker suits were in danger of melting. It was 
suggested to them at that time that the "more sensitive appendage" would be a 
"probe" giving earlier warning than a curled ear. I never heard of any takers on 
this one!

My Elmer in amateur radio used to stuff his pipe and test his soldering iron 
with his thumb. I had to try this once, but that was enough!

To you younger amp'ers out there, PLEASE do not use any part of your body to 
replace testing equipment! Been there, done that, got the "T" shirt....it says 
STUPID on the front.

Phil, K5PC

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