[Amps] Re: compact coils...
ToddRoberts2001 at aol.com
ToddRoberts2001 at aol.com
Tue Feb 15 14:58:16 EST 2005
In a message dated 2/15/2005 2:00:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, df3kv at aol.com
I remember an amp project in the ARRL handbook years ago
which used several pieces of ferrite rod taped together
and placed inside of one end of the tank coil to provide
enough inductance for 80 meters.
I tried that with my L4B for 160m, it worked, but the rods got very
It has been my experience that ferrites and iron core cores tend to saturate
and cause problems and heating in High-Z High Power circuits like in RF tube
amplifier tank circuits. A lot depends on the power level used and how big the
cores are. Ferrites and iron core cores work well in Low-Z broadband High
Power circuits like transistor RF power amplifier output circuits. No worry with
air-core coils saturating in High-Z high-power RF circuits except the size of
wire or tubing should be chosen to reduce skin-effect heating. 73 Todd WD4NGG
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