[Amps] Data on Eimac Y-799 or Y-808

David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Mon Feb 21 20:59:36 EST 2005

I know I have asked this before (over 4 years ago), but does anyone have 
any data on either of the above tubes? They are conduction cooled 
tetrodes, similar(ish) to the 4CX250B. I have several, and have the BeO 
link, and a huge heatsink (weighs around 10kg or 22lbs.)

I've tried Eimac, but they can't supply a data sheet, saying it was a 
copy of a tube made in the UK. Someone told me they were used by the 
Civil Aviation Authority, but its so long ago I had the 
conversation/mail with him, I can't recall much about it.

I'm hoping someone has a data sheet, or at least some typical operating 

I guess, if the thing works, I could just play around with screen and 
grid bias to make it as linear as possible, whilst not overheating it. 
Make up my own set of operating conditions. Any better ideas?

Here's a rather poor picture of one.


Dr. David Kirkby, 

Please check out http://www.g8wrb.org/ 
of if you live in Essex http://www.southminster-branch-line.org.uk/

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