[Amps] Fwd: Pi-L In-circuit Adjustment Question

R.Measures r at somis.org
Wed Feb 23 10:34:14 EST 2005

On Feb 22, 2005, at 1:15 PM, TexasRF at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 2/21/2005 4:47:23 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
> r at somis.org writes:
> On Feb 20, 2005, at 6:35 PM, TexasRF at aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Hi Rich, no, I said "C1 resonates the network" but no matter, we both
>  > know what the intent was.
> No capacitor in a L-network or a Pi-network (double L-network)
>  resonates the network.

> Hi Rich, here is the plan for the bullet proof dip meter and test:

The only people who need a test are those who do not yet understand how 
an L-network transforms E and I.
> The PA has an 8877 tube in it with a 1000 ma plate current meter 
> installed and connected. We can use this meter to observe the 
> resonance "dip". The Pi network is adjusted for maximum output power 
> with 75 watts of drive power applied. We have to do this with a dummy 
> load so any antenna related influence in our test is eliminated.
> At resonance, the plate load impedance is all resistive, no shunt 
> reactance. Off resonance in the higher frequency direction would 
> entail the presence some shunt inductive reactance, which in parallel 
> with the plate load resistance would cause the load impedance to be 
> lowered. Off resonance in the lower frequency direction would entail 
> presence of some shunt capacitive reactance, also lowering the total 
> load impedance.
> Since we know from Ohm's law that current equals voltage divided by 
> resistance (or impedance in an ac circuit) we would expect the plate 
> ma meter to be minimum when the load (network) is at resonance and non 
> minimum when the load (network) is off resonance. 
> Now comes the dip check: Expecting the network to be non resonant, as 
> the driver frequency is slowly changed, in the direction of expected 
> resonant frequency, we would expect the plate current to slowly reduce 
> until we reach the actual resonant frequency of the load (network). If 
> we go the wrong way then the plate current will rise. No problem, we 
> just tune the driver frequency in the other direction in this case.
> Once we find the frequency of minimum plate current (the dip), bingo! 
> We have found the resonant frequency of the load (network). If it is 
> different than the starting frequency then the idea that Pi networks 
> do not operate at resonance will be proven. Also, no dip meters have 
> been sacrificed in the process and any question of what influence is 
> caused by cover removal is avoided.
> Anyone out there willing to give this test procedure a try? I am at 
> work right now and no access to a big PA to check this out.
> Standing by for test results!

It's not a bad idea to make sure that you are in the right gear before 
letting out the clutch.
> Thanks/73,
> Gerald K5GW

Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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