[Amps] AL-1200 vs AL-1500

TexasRF@aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Thu Feb 24 12:47:37 EST 2005

In a message dated 2/24/2005 9:14:02 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
dajs at accnorwalk.com writes:

The main point of my post was the ruggedness and reliability of the  
3CX1200A7 tube in the AL-1200.  It has one of the lowest failure rates of  any 
transmitting tube made by Eimac. The 8877, in contrast, is much more  delicate and 
has a history of premature failures.

Just look in the  shacks of the major contest stations and see the number of 
AL-1200's used  versus the AL-1500. 

I have owned and operated both of these fine amplifiers. Choosing one over  
the other is not a clear and easy choice. In general, using the AL1200 in a  
contest situation, it is an easier unit to QSY. The AL1500 tuning is a bit more  
fussy due to the lower grid current and trip circuit. It is fairly common to  
have to reset the grid trip  time or two in the tune up process, especially  
when you are in a hurry. Marking the controls settings helps a lot but it 
still  happens.
The AL1500 will output more power but the difference is not more than a dB  
or two. It has been very rare to hear of a 3CX1200 tube failure leading one to  
think the tube might be more robust than the 8877.

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