[Amps] Computer apps

Will Matney craxd1 at ezwv.com
Fri Feb 25 16:26:51 EST 2005

I know this is way off topic but I thought I'd share this for any windows
users. I've been coding some apps for designing transformers and chokes and
had been fooling with file associations. In windows, these can be a pain in
the a$$ to fool with sometimes. The included association portion is very
crude and dont work right all the time. I started looking for something that
would change these and not break the bank. I tried several apps, all
shareware, and didn't like a one of them. Finally I ran across a freeware
app named Association Manager.  It not only can fix these problems, but can
save a list of all the associations as a backup or in a HTML file to view
what's there. I found it so handy I figured some on here might use it. Below
is the link for it on the PC World website.


When I have the transformer program ready, I'll announce it on here for some
beta testers.



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