[Amps] shipping damge -- Guaranteed damage?? A dice roll?

ToddRoberts2001@aol.com ToddRoberts2001 at aol.com
Sat Feb 26 16:28:51 EST 2005

In a message dated 2/26/2005 3:49:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
donii at sympatico.ca writes:
What am I to do when I have to ship a 60 pound linear? There is a niche 
developing for 'careful' shipping. I won't be surprised that in a few 
years there appears an expensive but 100% reliable shipper that will be 
reliable with 'insurance' automatically included!!!!
Peter VE2FAR

I guess the best way to help defend ourselves and others against shipping 
damage is to learn more about good packing techniques and insist on it when 
shipping or receiving an expensive and usually delicate electronic item.. If you 
have to ship a 60 pound linear you owe it to the receiving party to do your best 
to understand the item you are shipping and how to best protect it. Things 
like removing glass tubes and double-boxing them and shipping them separately 
from heavy items that can bang into them and shatter them. Study the chassis - 
is it strong enough to support the weight of the transformer and possibly a 
choke if it is dropped several feet without ruining the chassis? If not then you 
should remove the heavy iron and pack it into a separate box using good 
techniques for shipping a heavy dense item. What is the best way to protect the 
front panel knobs from being damaged or destroyed?  It all boils down to the 
person doing the shipping that must understand what he is doing and all the little 
details that add up to bulletproof packing. I have shipped 8877 tubes that 
were triple-boxed with double-wall boxes and plenty of room for padding between 
the boxes. The outer box was nearly a 20" cube. Most people would call this 
overkill but the tubes arrived in perfect shape every time.  73 Todd WD4NGG

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