[Amps] shipping damge -- Guaranteed damage?? A dice roll?

Japerlick@aol.com Japerlick at aol.com
Sun Feb 27 00:58:31 EST 2005

Good (and FUNNY) points....but it makes me wonder....why are there no class 
action suits against UPS?  I think Fedex has a better rep, but UPS has just 
been totally abusive in honoring claims.  Of course, if the shipment is packaged 
poorly then sure, they have a right to deny, but I've heard so many people say 
they simply deny everything.  When my spec an was damaged, they told me that 
insurance makes no difference...if it's damaged we just deny it either way.  
It's always someone elses fault. So, geez, how come some atty hasn't gone after 

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