[Amps] Q meter [TSPA]

ToddRoberts2001 at aol.com ToddRoberts2001 at aol.com
Sat Jan 8 13:24:10 EST 2005

In a message dated 1/7/2005 5:49:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, craxd1 at ezwv.com 
In my opinion, I dont think any instrument can measure the true unloaded 
Q exactly due to too many factors or variables such as stray capacitance 
and inductance. They might show something in the ball park but I don't 
see how it could be possible to show it exact. Especially networks in a 
production enviroment, each will have small differences from one to the 
other, so no one will be the same as the other. As you mentioned about 
the quality of components, no one will be the very exact same as the 
other. Even if measuring a network out of the chassis for an unloaded Q, 
it will change as soon as it's mounted inside the enclosure. There's 
just too many variables, of course that's just my opinion on the subject.

That's why a Q meter that directly measures the unloaded Q of an inductor or 
tank circuit at the operating frequency is so useful. Used wisely the Q meter 
will reveal problems in the tank components and can tell you if placement of 
the inductor is adversely affecting the unloaded Q - for example if the coil is 
placed too close to shielding or other chassis components. It can also reveal 
if there are problems in the tuning capacitor or interconnects. No instrument 
can measure anything perfectly exactly if you want to nit pick,  but a good Q 
meter will reveal the unloaded Q to a good percentage of accuracy. 73 Todd 
Roberts WD4NGG

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