[Amps] LK-800A

Barrie Smith barrie at centric.net
Wed Jan 12 22:11:05 EST 2005

Sorry I don't have exact details, but . . . a fellow named Bill has an 
amplifier repair company named "Alpha", something.

It's in 4-land.

Bill was production manager for Amp Supply/International Amp when the 
LK-800X was being built.

Google should find the company.

Good luck,

Barrie, W7ALW
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Coleman, ARS WA5BXO" <wa5bxo at pctechref.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 7:37 PM
Subject: [Amps] LK-800A

> Does any one know about a LK-800A by Amp Supply.  It has 3 forced air
> cooled 800 watt plate dissipation, ceramic tubes, I think.  It has some
> sort of a delay circuit to keep idiots from applying drive before the
> heaters or up to temp.  This circuit has failed and now it doesn't ever
> allow keying.  On the only schematic we have, there are no details about
> the timer delay circuit.  It has a 555 timer and some other relays on a
> small circuit board.  I'm hoping some one here has the needed info, else
> I have to reverse engineer the thing and will probably disable the
> stupid timer.
> John, WA5BXO
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