[Amps] 3CX1000A7

W0UN -- John Brosnahan shr at swtexas.net
Sat Jan 15 21:28:02 EST 2005

At 07:38 PM 1/15/2005, Joe Crawford wrote:
>I just traded for this tube, and don't have much info on it.It is an Eimac 
>tube. Is it a good choice for an amplifier tube? Need info on drive 
>requirements, and any other info.
>                                Joe W4AAB

It is an OK tube.  Not great.  But works into the VHF region with cathode 
Biggest problem is that it is a filament HOG.    5 volts at 30 amps.


You can get the short form data sheet at the above URL.  Click on short-form
catalog link and then select your tube.

--John  W0UN

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