[Amps] High C out

Chris rfcrazy at cox.net
Fri Jan 21 19:45:16 EST 2005

Thanks for all the info everyone.  The circuit is just strait Pi.  The C
tune cap backed all the way out unmeshed with minimum capacitance is
where it tuned the best. I removed the C tune vacuum cap and it worked
marvelous but still not optimum. I believe the min. on the cap was
around 15-20pf that I had now removed. The only problem is while it may
tune with just C out capacitance from the tube, I have no way of really
fine tuning now that the C1 is out of the picture.  Vic is correct in
that what I was trying to accomplish was an L-Pi. Instead of adding an
inductor from anode to C1, can't I just change the coil dia. and spacing
between C1 & C2 to accomplish the same thing? Or does it have to be in
an L-Pi configuration to cancel out some of the C out from the tube?


-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Dennis12Amplify at aol.com
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 11:04 AM
To: vic at rakefet.com
Cc: Amps at contesting.com; craxd1 at ezwv.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] High C out

In a message dated 1/21/05 12:49:50 PM Central Standard Time,  
vic at rakefet.com writes:

Nope,  he's talking about adding some inductance between the plate and
tune-C, making a kind of "L-Pi" (or L-Pi-L!) network.  The idea is  that
very high plate load impedances it may be impossible to get a
capacity in the tune-C to permit a reasonably low  Q.  Adding some
before the Pi network pre-transforms the  load impedance to a lower
value so 
practical capacitor can be  used.

I agree.
 He's creating a two stage impedance transformer.
 I'm sorry but I consider a Pi network a Pi network no matter which  end
connected to where; and I know that the large C is on the low impedance
of the impedance transformer. I did't realize I was in error calling it
a  Pi-L 
network instead of an L-Pi network, but I guess I can see where some may
confused. I DID state that the PLATE C became the new TUNE C in  that 
 I have used it myself in some cases to UP-CONVERT impedances to  obtain
reasonable tank Q.
 A good example being multiple sweep tubes in parallel where the total
capacitance is greater than 50 PFD. I have also used similar  circuitry
match the Collector impedance from the output of a single  ended
amplifier before we started using broad band transformers to do  the
matching, but once again that was for converting a low impedance  to a
higher one.
Dennis O.
Amps mailing list
Amps at contesting.com

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