[Amps] ampliphase and hybrid am mod circuits

Tomm Aldridge KD7QAE at ARRL.NET
Tue Jan 25 23:16:59 EST 2005

There are a bunch of AMers developing ampliphase transmitters with new 
solid state phase regulators used in the power supply industry.  We have 
a small Yahoo group called PhaseX if you care to visit.

nospam4me at juno.com wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> Although a bit unconventional, there are a number of schemes 
> used in hybrid AM Broadcast Transmitters. I put one such animal 
> on the air as 1640 KXBT (first expanded band AM tx west of NJ) 
> back in the mid 90's using a converted Continental 10Kw beast. 
> It had good audio and never a bug in the RF section, just old 
> power supply issues would pop up, nothing out of the ordinary 
> for a transmitter of that vintage. 
> These units are now popular for the 160 meter crowd (low power 
> mode setting), if you can get the 3 phase power to the shack. 
> cheers,
> skipp 
> nospam4me at juno.com 
> www.radiowrench.com/sonic 
> [paste]
> Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 08:47:52 -0600
> From: "lncarman" <lncarman at swbell.net>
> Subject: [amps] old ampliphase broadcast transmitters - 3cx2500F3
> To: <amps at contesting.com>
> I thought this might be interesting to anyone into old 
> AM broadcast -> http://www.rossrevenge.co.uk/tx/koh.htm . 
> It uses ampliphase (outphasing), which I've never heard 
> of. The site includes the partial schematic of the 5KW AM 
> transmitter using the 3cx2500F3 and modulation technique.
> Have fun,
> Larry N5BIP
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