[Amps] please help with weird problem - culprit found

Floyd Sense fsense at copper.net
Mon Jan 31 11:38:48 EST 2005

Can't disagree with your statements, but Don has ZERO chance of getting any 
help from Icom.  The situation with the receive antenna input is well known 
among Icom 765 users who operate on 160.  KD9SV makes a nice little 
protection unit that can be used with the 765 and any other transceiver with 
a separate receive antenna input.  It grounds the receive input on the rig 
as well as disconnects the receive antenna during transmit (controlled by 
your PTT line).  Here's a link for those interested
http://www.radio-ware.com/products/fes.htm .  I've used one of these for a 
couple of years with no problems.  On the other hand, there are 765 users 
who ignore this potential problem completely and NEVER have had a problem. 
I hope Don gets his 765 fixed OK.

73, K8AC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Will Matney" <craxd1 at ezwv.com>
To: <Amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] please help with weird problem - culprit found

I don't think he's at fault either, and to me they owe him a repair job
or new rig IMHO. That equipment costs too much for something like that
to be thought of. If they knew it was this way, and did not have it in
the operations manual, that's just wrong and they owe him. There's
nobody that ought to have to read a schematic to see how one is before
they ever use it. That's BAD engineering practice if I ever seen it. If
I was Don, I'd call um up and raise he** until it was settled! Plus, I'm
glad he told it here so I know about Icoms, and whether I could trust
them now on what they make.


> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 14:03:26 +0000 (GMT), Roger Parsons  <ve3zi at yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
>> Don is blaming himself for this problem.
>> My feeling is that Icom should not offer/have offered
>> equipment with a defective design!
>> All Don did was to connect an auxiliary receive
>> antenna to the auxiliary receive antenna connection.
>> The rig fails to operate correctly in those
>> circumstances and ultimately fails catestrophically.
>> It is quite unreasonable to expect a user to closely
>> examine a microscopic schematic before using the
>> equipment, particularly when the proposed usage is
>> described in the operating manual.
>> FWIW, I am sure that all the older Icoms suffer from
>> the same defect, and suspect that many other rigs from
>> most manufacturers are the same.
>> 73 Roger
>> VE3ZI
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