[Amps] New SGC Mini Lini Uses Class E Technology

Steve Thompson g8gsq at ic24.net
Sun Jul 3 02:52:50 EDT 2005

Bill L. Fuqua wrote:
> I have some questions.
> Why does the plug-in band module need so much cooling air and what are the drive requirements? 
> You realize that this adds to the DAF discussion. Which practically does the same thing.  I have had some nagging issues with the DAF circuit.  One is if you are amlifing AM for example and eleminate the envelope and restore it that would work just fine. But, if you have multiple frequencies of different amplitudes that you clip and then restore the envelope, how does each seperate frequency get assigned it's approprate amplitude?
> These last question has nagged me for some time. 
Without going and refreshing my maths, I think the 
correlation between amplitude and phase matters at 
modulation frequencies, not to every rf cycle. Provided the 
delays through the audio and rf paths are differ by small 
amounts compared with audio frequencies, the effects are small.


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