[Amps] HP spare parts

Rob & Terri Sherwood rob at sherweng.com
Wed Jul 6 11:14:20 EDT 2005

Great comments on the mechanical issues of the 8640B.  I believe the 
white gears tended to split, mine did, but the later light green colored 
ones were better. 
No matter what HP generator you own, you need a parts machine for spare 
modules.  Maintaining my 8662A is bad enough, while finding a parts 
junker 8663A so far has been impossible for a reasonable price.  HP 
wants $5000 for one plugin module that you can hold in the palm of your 
hand, and $3000 for an exchange power supply.  Yikes.  Thank goodness 
the market is being flooded with 15 to 20 year old HP gear that the 
rental houses no longer need.  8568B spectrum analyzers are fantastic, 
and now relatively affordable. 

73, Rob, NC0B

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