[Amps] Determining Filament Voltage Specifications ??

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Thu Jul 7 15:26:10 EDT 2005

Was wondering if there's some formula to roughly determine the
voltage/current parameters of a super heavy duty filament transformer.
The unit I have has multitap 220VAC primaries with solid buss bar output
terminals (no CT)  about the diameter of my pinky. The no load voltage is
about 18.2 to 19.5 depending of the primary tap used. I'm certain the
rating is better than 75amps. It might even be a low voltage weld
transformer.  Is there a method to load the transformer and determine 
the operating filament voltage under load? Any suggestions would be
appreciated. Unfortunately, the plate clearly  lists only the primary
voltage.  Thanks, ron W2CQM/3

Plate has the following information:

Hevi Duty Electric Co
Basic Products Co.
Milwaukee 1, WIS

1.4KVA for 45 minutes per hour
Model SXO,  #2431031

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