[Amps] Tetrodes

Dan K9ZF n9rla at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 26 16:43:35 EDT 2005

Michael J. Tubby G8TIC wrote:

>I'm talking of 25+ years ago here... a UK design known as the "plumber's 
>which was basically a push-pull pair much like the W1SL except the anode 
>was in 2" copper tube....
That sounds interesting.  I'm familiar with the W1SL, is this 
"variation" written up anywhere? If it's been published or on the web I 
would like to see it.

I've been researching amp building for the last couple of years.  I plan 
to build an HF amp or two start, but eventually I'm more interested in 
weak signal VHF/UHF equipment.


K9ZF /R no budget Rover ***QRP-l #1269
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