[Amps] Cheap network analyser on eBay

Ian White GM3SEK g3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sat Jun 25 17:32:26 EDT 2005

David Kirkby wrote:
>Ian White GM3SEK wrote:
>> David Kirkby wrote:
>>>The N2PK VNA
>>>http://users.adelphia.net/~n2pk/VNA/VNAarch.html might well be 
>>>better, but I gather is not simple to build.
>>  Just to be clear: the only thing that's "not simple" about the N2PK 
>>board is that it uses surface-mount components. That may be new to 
>>some  people, but it really isn't hard.
>>  The payback is that there's no setup needed at all.  If you build 
>>the N2PK board carefully, it's plug-and-play.
>It should like it is a better bet then.
>I have quite an admiration for HP and their instruments and often feel 
>their used kit is better value than the cheap junk on the ham market. 
>But that N2PK device is clearly not "cheap junk".
Oh no, it's a very clever device. The concept has been around for some 
time, but N2PK has really made it work. As for accuracy, comparisons 
with commercial VNAs run very close indeed.

>BTW, has anyone got the N2PK borad working under UNIX/Linux? Seems a 
>shame if you need a Windoze PC to use it.

I'm not aware of any Unix/Linux versions of the control software.

>Also, I'm not sure how much longer parallel ports will be on PCs.
Fortunately there are still lots of parallel printers around, so there's 
still a need for the parallel port. G8KBB has also developed a USB 

73 from Ian GM3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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