[Amps] Alpha 87 Omega

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Tue Jun 28 09:37:29 EDT 2005

Hey, watch that about us old guys.  I am just finishing restoration of a 
basket case KWM-380, which had multiple holes drilled into the top, a big 
chunk missing from the cast aluminum front panel and missing boards plus it 
did not work.  I welded the front and top and redrilled holes in the top and 
refinished.  Made the missing boards up from scratch, with a different noise 
blanker.  Added the factory mods and just finishing up realignment.  So this 
is one ham that can repair and troubleshoot a KWM-380 - with no formal 
electronics training.

So, yes, there will be hams out there that will repair the 87A - and no 
doubt they will have "improvements" along the way.

Half the fun of getting old is fixing the stuff the young bucks think is 
beyond fixing.  Or doing things they think is difficult.  Just turned 60 and 
started flying helicopters.  Am going to take up golf at 70, when I have 
time.  I just bought my motorglider from a Dr. who decided it was time to 
move on at 89 years.  He actually is sand sailing now and says he can go 
faster in his sand sailer than he could in the motorglider so he did not 
have time anymore for it.

Colin  K7FM 

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