[Amps] Alpha 77Dx -Adding Grounded Grid Filament Choke

Paul Hewitt wd7s at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 5 12:36:18 EST 2005

Hi Gary
Tricky question !! What size glitch resistor??  How fast is the plate
over-current protection, i.e. how much follow on current??  How large is the
filter capacitor?? What is the secondary and primary resistance of the plate

The gas tube is rated at 20KA single impulse, hopefully the glitch diode
will finally turn on and help with the current dump.
73, Paul


> Have you figured how many joules of energy the amp will supply with a
> plate circuit short compared to how much energy the gas tube will handle?
> 73
> Gary  K4FMX
> Paul Hewitt wrote:
> > Hi Gerald
> > Eimac recommends the Siemens B1-C145 for the 3CPX5000.  I believe Phil,
K5PC, has looked for this and found it obsolete, not sure what he crossed it
to.   I'm using a Bourns 2035-09-B, (90v) for the lower drive amps and the
150 volt gaps for the two tube amps.  Mouser stocks a wide selection of the
Bourns discharge tubes, Mouser#  652-2035-09-B, (90 volt 20KA.)  I believe I
measured the internal capacitance of these gaps at 1-2pf.
> >
> > 73, Paul

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