[Amps] water cooled...

Gary Schafer garyschafer at comcast.net
Sat Mar 5 22:10:45 EST 2005

Even in the tropical climate of Florida, diesel engine manufacturers 
recommend antifreeze in most engines. This is to raise the boiling point 
and prevent cavitation at hot spots on the cylinder walls. The 
cavitation from steam bubbles at hot spots eventually cause holes in the 
cylinder walls.

There are multiple purposes for antifreeze.

Gary  K4FMX

R.Measures wrote:
> Thanks, Roy.  This is doubtless why antifreeze manufacturers caution 
> against using less than a certain percentage of water.
> On Mar 5, 2005, at 12:51 PM, Roy Koeppe wrote:
>>Peter -- Which is the better coolant, pure ethylene glycol or pure
>>I'm not Peter, but water is the better coolant (as far as absorbing 
>>heat--corrosion is another matter).
>>73,    Roy    K6XK
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> Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org
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